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Beautiful pink flowers that hummingbirds love. I would pair this with a non showy, evergreen shrub like lemonade berry or laurel sumac. That way the pink flowers become intertwined with the shrub to add some color in a way that makes people wonder if it's coming from the same plant. this also helps the plant gain some height which is appreciated by hummingbirds avoiding your neighbors cats!

Pink Honeysuckle

IVA excluido
  • species name Lonicera hispidula
    plant type  winter deciduous vine
    height by width 4 ft x 18ft
    sun exposure Part sun - Full sun
    water requirement Low
    soil type Any
    bloom period May-June
    natural habitat Coastal Sage Scrub, streams, chaparral
    uses and other fun facts hummingbirds love this plant
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